Reunited, this week Team FITYMI gave our Halves presentation where we filled in the entire ETC about our progress, goals and plans for the future!
With the entire team regrouping on Monday, we needed to make sure we were all on the same page and filled in on where we stood from Week 9 and how we could be best prepared to move forward. This helped us define our vision for the remaining weeks as well as prepare us for our Halves presentation, which we spent Monday and Tuesday practicing and refining.

As you can see from above, we are hoping to finish up everything besides lighting and rendering for scenes 2, 3 and 4 by the beginning of next week. This means we can put all efforts in the transition scene and begin cranking out frames for 2, 3 and 4.
Emily has continued to refine lighting and rendering for our piece and has been able to efficiently render shots, keeping us on track to finish hopefully at softs!
Wenyu is working on compositing our shots together in after effects and adding necessary tweaks and filters, which are passed to him once Emily lights and renders a shot.

Catherine and Wenyu also put together many pre-production materials to be presented during halves, including important keyframes and concepts for The Sea of Stories!

Catherine and Brian continue to work behind the scenes on music, blocking and preparing for the live action portion of our film. Next week, we hope to continue lighting and rendering. Finishing up scene 2 and the blocking/camera movement for scene 1, the transition!