Week 6 in Flint…
Hi all! Nice to see you again! After the quarter Flint is trying to fix the ground and start some solid work.
On Monday the team shared the findings from research about “how to figure out the wind pattern from a give landscape.” Then we start to work out a gameflow which serves our teaching objectives based on the latest incoming information.
On Tuesday the team figured out a way to have the game more dynamic and competitive by introducing “revenue” into the gameplay. Students now need to deal with the trade-off of expensive / cheap turbines vs. high / low efficiency – which is from the 1/4 feedback – and it could be interesting! The team also tried to work out a new design of installation so that a curved projected screen is no longer needed.
On Wednesday the team continued to discuss about many details in the experience. Jesse Schell kindly came to our room and shared us an experience in which players could build roller coaster in an iterative way with good feedback. We got many idea from this experience.
On Thursday the team made some decision and prepared to present the result of all the discussions to the client and looked for their feedback.
On Friday for some reason, the team did not make it to talk to the client, but we divided our task and start working; crafting 3D models, designing installation, illustrating concept art and UI, developing prototypes. Solid products are on the way!
The team would like to see something that is real and working to get the feel of the experience. See you next week!