Hi all! This was the last week before the Halves and there were a lot to do for Flint.
On Monday the team reported to the advisors as usual for the progress and got feedback from them. In the rest of Monday and on Tuesday, the team kept on implementing the experience.
On Wednesday the team met Mr. Mike Christel to analyze the playtest result from the paper prototype playtest we did last week. Mike gave us valuable feedback and suggestions of how to improve the experience based on the results. Based on that, some of the designs were changed and we decided to work on new task accordingly.
On Thursday the team invited Jesse Schell for more discussion on the installation. Jesse brought us a bunch of idea on phidgets that we may apply in the system to deliver a cool, hands on experience. This was very inspiring!
On Friday the team had the regular meeting with the client and reported our progress. We also had the first blade design prototype ready to show on Halves!
The team was ready for the coming Halves. We had some solid progress and we spot the risk (which is, the installation plan was not determined) and planned to state it also solve it. See you next week!