We went back to the ETC to film the shots we missed last week. We also fixed some of the hardware connection issues. More importantly, the programmers took Spots home! (The boxes are really huge and heavy XD. The Uber driver seemed to be curious about the boxes)
Well, we had to tell you. The next Monday is the Soft Opening at the ETC, which means that we’ll have an important presentation where we need to show the faculty what our deliverables are. We practiced several times and we found out it was extremely difficult to cover everything within 10 minutes. The game itself is about 15 minutes so in the presentation, we’ll only the highlights. We’ll live 5 minutes for Q&As or live demos, depending on the faculty’s interests. We’ll also send them supporting materials so they can read if they are interested in or have any questions.

That’s it for this week. We need go for the break 🙂