Week 8
This week the team focuses on modifying the design based on the client’s feedback.
Storyline Change
The client wants to give nurse a reason to put on gloves and they suggest to add a urine bag interaction before nurse puts on gloves. AHN also suggests an important hand hygiene moment: Physician uses the stethoscope to check on the patient, and forgets to wash hands after using the stethoscope. Virus can transfer on equipment that is used on multiple patients, if not cleaned in between patients.
We add these two modification in our current design.
There are some feedback from AHN that the team is not able to implement in the game. First, AHN suggested ideas from a nurse perspective. However, our game is from the virus perspective. As a result, we are not able to show full nurse routine because of the main character perspective. For example, the nurse washes hands after emptying the urine bag, and the virus goes down the drain, and picks up a different virus on the keyboard. We do not implement this suggestion from AHN, based on the following reasons: 1. Changing main character(virus)will confuse the player and harm the overall experience. 2. We will not lose any educational purpose of hand hygiene if we do not add the modification to the game.
Here is our modified user flow in the patient room:
Nurse A : patient – bed handle – nurse A’s hand – shake hands – (doctor comes) doctor cut scene – urine bag interaction – taking off gloves-> keyboard
Doctor: Scope pass virus between patients(gown -> equipment)
Mini Game
We are changing our candy bowl mini game because viruses are not able to transfer on hard surfaces like the candy surface. Viruses can only be active on organism. AHN leans strictly to scientific reality, so we remove the distorted-reality design.
We have two mini game design proposal, and AHN prefers the second one.
Our main character will be the king of the virus in the hospital. In our game, the main virus meets 5 npc viruses prior to the candy mini game. Here in the candy bowl, the 5 viruses will greet with our main character and ask him some healthcare questions. The questions are our chance to deliver educational message. The 5 npc viruses will be designed based on important virus/bacteria/germs in hospital, so we want to educate the nurses on their names, functions, how to prevent, etc.