
This is the team of Isetta Engine, 4 programmers and a producer, trapped in a room for a semester trying to develop a game engine. To see their progress over the semester go checkout


Jared Ettinger

Jared is a creative writer and producer from New York. He is excited about the intersection of art and technology, particularly in video games and animation. He hopes to further his production skills by keeping the rest of the team steady on this wild ride.


Yidi Zhu

Yidi is a gameplay programmer / designer who escaped from the building construction management field. He loves making meaningful and joyful interactive experiences.

Caleb Biasco

Caleb started game programming in the Video Game Development Club at the University of Minnesota, and hasn’t stopped since! Seriously. The madman is making a game engine now, someone stop him.


Chaojie Zhu

Chaojie has a background in software engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and has specific interests in game AI, self driving vehicles and software engineering.

Jacob Wilson

Jacob is always taking things apart to understand how they work and sometimes they are able to go back together. His background in physics helps him understand math and mechanics, and he is interested in tool development to help others see the light.