Hooray! We’ve wrapped up our soft opening on Monday. For those who are not familiar with the term, it’s sometimes referred to as soft launch or previews (theatrical industry). It is the opening of a business for a limited number of people at first in order to test its services and make improvements. Overall, the experience was quite positive and the things that were addressed from the faculty were those that we are working on polishing. After the soft opening, the team had a meeting to address those concerns and categorized them into groups. Below listed the top priorities that the team came up with. For a more detailed list, please see below image.
- User interface: needs to simplified, how do the guests know how to interact with the experience
- Transition: How do the guests know when the experience is over?
- Content: Can the client change up the question set or the original pool of people if needed?

Below video is one of the videos taken during the soft opening.
As we only have one week left for production, the team needs to ensure we address the most important concerns from our playtest to secure the effectiveness of the experience.
Come back next week to see the full and complete version of our project!
Team Kaleidoscope