Stephan Caspar
Assistant Teaching Professor of Media Creation & Multi-Cultural Studies
Stephan has a background in creative media and design, training and working as filmmaker before moving into teaching & learning. In recent years his interest has been on the move to blended learning, and the development of online and distance courses to support research and enterprise. For the past four years Stephan has managed the Digital Learning Team at the University of Southampton, UK, producing courses with FutureLearn and supporting researchers and educators to create media content around their work, capture their stories and connect with their audience.
Stephan is a CMALT holder – Certified Membership of the Association for Learning Technology, having submitted a portfolio based on work supporting the use of media, including podcasting and video, for assignment submission and reflective practice, particularly in Health and STEM subjects. Writing his CMALT was an opportunity to reflect on his own development as a Learning Designer and celebrate this role that provides amazing access to individuals and teams that work in challenging and fascinating subject areas.

Sébastien Dubreil
Teaching Professor of French and Francophone Studies, Second Language Acquisition and Technology-Enhanced Learning
Sébastien is a researcher aims at framing and designing complex learning experiences by critically examining the affordances of technological tools to re-envision and redesign pedagogical practices instead of merely “computerizing” previous or antiquated ones. His area of research is defined as Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and his research interests include the notion of culture in the L2 classroom, its place in the curriculum, and the use of instructional technology in setting up effective language learning environments (e.g., multimedia technology, telecollaboration) to foster trans-cultural learning. Currently, his research and teaching work includes the development of an online and mobile game to investigate French learning through both gameplay and game design. This project, entitled Bonne Chance, is being developed with Cary Staples, a Professor of Design at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a team of graduate and undergraduate students. Bonne Chance was selected as a finalist for the 2015 Reimagine Education conference. In 2014, Dr. Heather Willis Allen (University of Wisconsin, Madison) and Sébastien co-authored Alliages culturels: La société française en transformation (Cengage Learning).