Week 3

This week we had a deep discussion about what exactly we want to make during this semester. Finally we decided to finish two games this semester, one to teach children to learn programming, another is the cupcake war.

The artist start to working on the modeling of cupcakes and programmers start reading the API of SmalLab development kit and set up the device(However, it’s not yet completely runnable). Aside from that, our website is also up and running.

Week 2

This week we decided our team name to be €œKinetics€ and logo to be made based on the famous €œNewton Cradles€. Unlike the traditional hand drawing logo, we tried to model and render the logo, which have’t be done by any of the previous group, but went out pretty good.

On Friday, we visited the Client’s school, “Elizabeth Forward School and played few SmaLLab games made by previous projects. We also brainstormed on the idea of the new project, which break down to 3 main ideas:

  1. Teaching children to learn programming.
  2. Cupcake war
  3. Teaching children to learn physics.