Week 1
Printf “Hello World” from MAKESHOP team! We have just gotten our new digs at the ETC, rearranged the desks in our odd work space, and unpacked our computers. Everyone is tentative and excited about the new semester! This semester, we will be working with Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, specifically their MAKESHOP area. Rebecca Grabman, a former ETCer who now helps run the MAKESHOP, is our client contact.
Kickoff Meeting!
After getting settled on Monday, we met our project advisor Jessica Trybus, CEO of Etcetera Edutainment. We talked about ourselves and our objectives about the project.
Team Name Voting!
We came up with 35 name ideas for our team and shortlisted them to 6. Lazer Mouse won the prize in the end.
Meeting the Client!
On Thursday afternoon, we met with the facilitators of MAKESHOP: Rebecca, Lisa, Adam and Christian. They introduced MAKESHOP area to us and gave us their opinions and ideas about the project.
Coming back to Brainstorming!
After our client meeting, we returned back to our project room and tried to answer the question “WHY ARE KIDS USING LASER CUTTER?”. We also tried to define our Problem Statements in Design, Cut and Safety perspectives. We came up with several ideas to answer these statements.
We started to examine different laser cutter brands and models. We contacted a local distributor and had him make us a presentation in our project room. We also contacted Matt Forrest, Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Arts, and he made us a cutting demo using the laser cutter in the main campus.
Next Week!
- We will be continuing our Laser Cutter research and brainstorming about our project ideas.
- We will visit the museum in smaller groups to gain a better understanding of the visitors and their activities.
- Regis will start designing our logo.