Category Archives: Challenges Overcome

Episode Nine & Ten: Presentations Galore

The past two weeks were blur for the team, with several milestones being accomplished within days of each other. The week began with the completion of our first prototype of Locanimals. We were incredibly excited: We could play the game out in the real world! It is still only the foundational skeleton, but the coreContinue Reading

Episode Seven: On Our Way To A Build

Week seven was a big return to progress and moving forward for our project! The week began with a testing open-house for Locanimals, our key focus was paper testing our current UI and Locanimal design. Dani and Erica ran our UI tests with approximately 8 participants. Together they walked them through paper versions of eachContinue Reading

Episode Four: On Our Feet

Our fourth week was a blur: Fast, slow, busy, distracted, stressful, tiring, and exciting. We got little done in the first two days of our week. Most of the team was busy handling the first BVW Finals testing session, putting out fires, and assisting first-semester students. We entertained numerous guests and visitors to the ETCContinue Reading

Episode Three: Locanimals… the Gathering

In our third week, design and programming faced specific challenges, but we soldiered through to accomplish some great progress. The week started with the team feeling somewhat behind, even though we’re still on schedule (and ahead in some ways). Week 2’s major focus on brainstorming and design research took a lot out of the team,Continue Reading