Episode Thirteen: Soft Landing

With softs right around the corner, the team has been continuing to work to put more touches and polish the app, despite the gravitational force that is BVW sucking team members’ time away.

A great deal of progress was achieved on the art side this week: Phil managed to complete all 12 Locanimals’ initial animations. From there, Phil and Christian worked together to begin the process of adding animations to the game.
Erica completed the remaining Locanimal voice overs as well. Now, all 12 Locanimals have unique sound effects and voices. We have begun the process of implementing some of these sounds in preparation for softs.

Meanwhile, Dani has continued iterating on UI, collecting feedback and notes for what changes she will need to make to better guide users and make the app beautiful. She also completed first passes at more splash screens and environments to battle in.

John focused on creating our Softs materials–shooting/editing footage for the video, creating our presentation, and beginning our post-mortem document. In addition, he analysed results of our playtest survey.

As all this has been going on, Christian has been working on implementing more UI, animations, and fixing bugs to keep the app stable.

All and all, the team is pushing forward, getting ready to present at softs!

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