Locanimals Quest: Week Six

In the week after Quarters, the team had a serious discussion: Should we consider GDC Play? We weighed several opinions, both for and against it. Those recommending the conference thought it was important because it would allow us to talk with real-industry players and potential publishers/VC (people who could help us when we need funding).Continue Reading

Locanimals Quest: Week Five

A big milestone this week was the completion of Quarters. We presented the results of our first two weeks’ planning meetings, progress made on our revised battle system, iteration on UI, and the first results of our initial client work. All steady progress, showing that our semester has been focused on improving our product slowlyContinue Reading

Locanimals Quest: Week Four

The team trucks forward, making steady progress as we approach Quarters. Progress is slowly being made on both our battle and quest systems. Around the middle of the week, we were almost 50% complete with the new battle system (and 20% done with the quest system). We also received feedback on our two initial conceptsContinue Reading

Locanimals Quest: Week Three

With our first two weeks of planning and ideating out of the way, now the semester begins in terms of creating the systems we need. Christian and Phil focused mainly on the battle system, creating a bevy of mix-and-match battle components that we can use to create new moves. We’re excited about what this moveContinue Reading

Locanimals Quest: Weeks One + Two

So, the semester kicked off with a flurry of meetings, planning, brainstorming, and general pondering. In our first week, the team conducted a series of meetings to help us frame the semester and what we’d like to deliver. We started off by answering key questions: Big picture – What did we want our final productContinue Reading

Episode Thirteen: Soft Landing

With softs right around the corner, the team has been continuing to work to put more touches and polish the app, despite the gravitational force that is BVW sucking team members’ time away. A great deal of progress was achieved on the art side this week: Phil managed to complete all 12 Locanimals’ initial animations.Continue Reading

Episode Eleven & Twelve: Testing Positive

With our halves presentation behind us, the team has shifted into playtesting mode: iterating on our existing work and adding to the app. The past two weeks have been somewhat arduous–not in the volume of work that needs to be created, but in figuring out what to implement. We had a regroup meeting at theContinue Reading

Episode Nine & Ten: Presentations Galore

The past two weeks were blur for the team, with several milestones being accomplished within days of each other. The week began with the completion of our first prototype of Locanimals. We were incredibly excited: We could play the game out in the real world! It is still only the foundational skeleton, but the coreContinue Reading

Episode Eight: Putting It Together

In our week before halves, our major goal was to put together all the pieces we had created separately together. Christian spent time migrating our battle system over to our check- in system and syncing the two: building towards the full experience we want to create. In addition to this migration, Christian finished the finalContinue Reading

Episode Seven: On Our Way To A Build

Week seven was a big return to progress and moving forward for our project! The week began with a testing open-house for Locanimals, our key focus was paper testing our current UI and Locanimal design. Dani and Erica ran our UI tests with approximately 8 participants. Together they walked them through paper versions of eachContinue Reading