Dev Blog – Week 12

This week the 3d artist made several textures for the symptoms like “spider” and “meduza”.
The designer made the html template for the report after each session for users to get feedback and keep track of their performance.
The graphic programmer made a new shader such that it can render multiple textures in different layers on the object which can reduce the workload of GPU and the “true” customization of symptoms.
On Saturday, 4 medical students from UPMC and 1 guest came for playtesting. The guest is actually one of the investors of meta AR glass and she mentioned that with the 2nd edition of meta, things get better a lot.
The team recorded the whole playtest session and the medical students all pointed out that this application could have made their lives so much easier and the visual was so real. As the only practice source is the TAs of the course and there are more than 200 students, many of them didn’t even have the opportunity to practice with their TAs. More importantly, the “actor” can perform facial expression but they cannot perform abnormal organs so the students cannot have the feeling until they face a real patient.
The team arranged another play test session with some new medical students.