Dev Blog – Week 13

The team discussed some design challenge with instructors.
The team used a ‘cursor’ to indicate where the user is looking at as one of the ways to precisely interact with virtual elements. It actually helped the user about control but it raised another problem. The user need to focus back and forth since the ‘cursor’ is in 3d space and in between the user’s eye and the virtual object being looked at. Some of the playtesters mentioned the experience is not very natural and pleasant.
The team also came up with some physical set up of the system to take more advantage of lighting given the limit of the AR device they have, e.g. the field of view is very narrow, the brightness is low.

Microsoft finally shipped HoloLens and the team was extremely excited about the possibilities come with HoloLens. After played with the device, some of the concerns they team used to have were no longer problems and team had to adjusted current application as they reinvented some wheels for HoloLens. The way of interactions need huge changes.