Dev Blog – Week 14

Soft opening.
The team got a lot of useful insights during the walking around and had noticed several aspects of the application needed to be urgently addressed. Although the application was not intended for ‘naive’ guests, there are some common things the team need to be aware.
The team also discussed new ways of interaction. Currently they used Google Voice API to enable voice control in several checking procedure, which is convenient and precise. But some playtesters mentioned that voice was a new input but it is not fully connected with all checking procedures. Some procedures were better connected with voice as a doctor would need to ask their patient to do things when doing examination but other procedures were less connected with voice as a doctor would do physical operations in clinical.
The decision is enable both way of interaction and decide whether disable one of the two ways based on play test.
Given the time constraint, the team noticed that they would not be able do fully optimization specifically for HoloLens and the device was not magic. There was frame rate issues and brightness, color issues need to addressed.
Overall, the team was confident about the project and excited about the visit of their client from Singapore.