Dev Blog – Week 15
This week the client Erle Lim visited the team again and they have lots of discussions about the project.
Tuesday, a group of visitors from Merck, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, visited the project room and they are amazed by the project a lot, which turned out to be another 2 last-minute visit from Merck.
Wednesday, lots of guest for Entertainment Technology Center Spring Showcase visited the project and were excited about the project. However, HoloLens ran out of battery several times and only half of the guests were able to test the demo by themselves while other guests ended up with watching the live stream of HoloLens and deeper discussion about the project team members.
The team was still migrating their work to HoloLens and the client provided several new scenarios about disease – symptoms.
They team also discussed about the lessons they’ve learned from doing the project and there were 2 parts should be done better.
• playtest
As the project was very specific to its demographics : medical teachers and medical students, it was very hard for the team to arrange playtests.
The team had the common misconception that it was important to test with people of certain demographics to get useful results only to find out that the reality was that they can and should test their solution with almost anyone, at least for usability and intuitiveness. There was a saying in big data industry, more data beats better algorithm.
Though at the middle of the semester, they team finally connected to several medical students from UPMC and had them did regular playtests with positive feedback. The team should have utilize events like ETC playtest day.
• configuration tool
The team didn’t know the different between HoloLens and the former device that files sent to HoloLens should be deployed to the internet first, which might be not trivial to do for non-
technical people and there were not enough time for them to design an intuitive system for teachers with little technical background.
But the team made clear documentation and the configuration part of the tool was fully tested.