Dev Blog – Week 7

This week, the ETC has several talks and the team attended them.
The programmers are working on refining current prototypes while the artists are working on drawing storyboard and customer-journey-map, which is a diagram that illustrates the steps the customer(s)/user(s) go through in engaging with the application and the installation.
On Wednesday, the team received process grade for quarters and it was (a little bit) beyond the expectation for ETC student. 2nd years went for the OPT sessions after the 1 on 1 meeting with instructors.
The team got the 3d model used to create Abe but it is all shells after converting bi-rep to 3d print files and the object names are not organized. And there are a lot of holes in the 3d models.
On Friday, the 3d artist (almost) finished clean up process for the models created Abe and the programmers will start making the config tools and try to synchronize the organ movement.