Dev Blog – Week 8

Spring break.
The programmers finished the synchronization between physical organs and virtual organs which is also a sign for the finish of practice mode. The student would be able to see the movement and the organs and feel them at the same time, which should help them make the connection.
The artists had a discussion on how to improve the user interface. They made an agreement that with narrow field of view, more visual elements should be used while less text should be used.
Some discuss are documented as follows:
Visuals are often processed faster, though text can provide a better understanding. Creating balance between text and visual content is a combination of understanding the project and the best method of delivery for content, audience expectation, weighting of elements and delivery.
When it comes to putting visuals and text together, it is important to consider the expectation of the audience/demographics.
A variety of demographic factors come into play when looking at audience expectations, but chances are you know what is working and not working from past design experiences. Build on the successes.