We started the week facing two major presentations: the first is our halves presentation and the second is presenting at the AUI’s STEAM conference for educational games.
At the conference we presented our latest digital prototype for the Empathy game. We had the chance of talking with several teachers and educators and get their general feedback about the game. Specifically, how hard it is to teach empathy.
Before halves we had the chance to get our clients feedback, specifically Dr. Susan Rivers, on our product and direction. She suggested that we treat our games as a vertical slice that represents the possibility for a bigger experience. Given that at this point we have a limited amount of time but are still prioritizing including our transformational goals in the games, this seemed like the right direction.
During our halves presentation we presented our progress through the semester. As mentioned in previous blog posts, we started by addressing the prerequisite of making mini-games that are fun and used the constructs mostly as a guide for our mechanics. We then shifted our approach and started using Schell’s transformational frameworks. Therefore we have less time to create our games however they have a higher chance of meeting our client’s requirements.