Miracle Workshop 2.0 is a collaborative project with Give Kids The World Village, a nonprofit resort in Central Florida that provides cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. GKTW has reached out to us because they had a hand mechanized puppet that had not been in use due to safety reasons.
Last semester we turned this existing puppet into a five-function audio animatronic figure that their volunteers and staff will be able to control safely from a remote location, rather than their current crawl space. The team focused on designing a robust animatronic and reimagining Tom Foolery’s story to develop an engaging experience for the guests that visit The Village.
Our goal this term is to finish Tom’s engineering while putting him through rigorous testing cycles before his installation. Additionally, we are iterating on his show content while cleaning and smoothing his animations to hopefully create a more enchanting experience while reducing unnecessary wear.
Our Project trailer from last semester
This project trailer will give you a good overview on the work we completed in the Spring 2018 term. Working on the project has been nothing short of exhilarating while also being extremely rewarding- which is why many of the team members have elected to return for a second semester.
We have been working with industry professionals to deliver a high quality, robust, and engaging experience to all who visit the Castle of Miracles at Give Kids The World Village. Please follow our blog as we share the progress we make this semester towards the ultimate goal of bringing Tom Foolery to life, so that he may entertain children who need a little extra laughter, happiness, and hope.