The purpose of the E-Stop is to stop any current running show, as well as prevent any other show while it is engaged.

To implement this function, we use the Output 9 from Pro Commander which is always active(true). We connect it to the E Stop button which is then connected to the Input 8.

When the EStop is not pressed, it is closed, that is, it lets the current pass through. When we press it, it stops the flow of current until it is manually disengaged.

We put the following code in the CONTROL.INI file:










Line 1: When Input 8 is open it will stop all running shows.

Line 2: When input 8 is open it will send a command to the Pro I/O Digital to set Outputs 1-16 to 0. This will trigger the relay to power Tom off.

Line 3-7: When the Input 8 is closed, at relative time 00:00 The Pro I/O will fade the first 5 channels to the specified values in 3 seconds.


For a more detailed overview of the commands used please refer the Weigl ASCII Commands at: