This week we started working on our project by meeting with our faculty mentors and assigning individual roles. We then discussed branding our project and are going with the working name “Miracle Workshop.” The name is an allusion to the project’s home in the ‘Castle of Miracles’ and that we are automating a puppet who has seen the inside of several workshops.
As a team, we began to research contacts that could help us with our design issues and started to reach out to those professionals. We determined that rather than use new technology or try something novel, we wanted to create an animatronic that is robust and uses methods/ hardware that is practiced in the industry. Given this, we found outside expertise is vital to our project and creating an animatronic with as little maintenance as possible.

Core Hours Brainstorm
As a team, we also began to research puppet and animatronic technology, trying to compare which hardware/ control methods would be best for our project. We looked into current and past experiences at Give Kids The World and Walt Disney World to try and determine what elements would be important to our project and what technology to use.
We reviewed the information and videos sent to us from the client and formulated questions that we could ask during our Skype meeting set up for Week 2. We also started to look into dates and prices for our first site visit to GKTW village.