For week 12, we continued working ahead with Tom’s production. Alex worked on ordering the remaining parts for the Torso and working with our faculty Valerie Sofranko on working with the foam. She is also working on preparing and ordering tools needed for assembling and building Tom.
Raisa continued to work on her scepter and met with Tim to iterate on the design. She also began ordering more parts for the scepter and also figure out the movement of the scepter with the Ultra motion motors along with the range of motion.
Niharika continued to work on creating the scratch animations with the scratch audio to visualize how Tom’s functions will look when functioning together at the same time. Also the scratch animations helped her in trying out the animations and making sure they look natural and go with Tom’s personality and character. She also worked on setting up the rig that replicates the mechanical design creating the joints for head turn, head tilt and mouth functions.
Atul worked on programming the dynamixels as well as the ultramotion motors to fix programming like the Dynamixel getting set to different values Everytime they are powered on. He also worked on configuring the values for the Dynamixels by assigning ids to identify them for the 3 different functions.
Josh worked on designing the electrical panel and also coordinated with the technical team at Give kids the world to setup a plan for setting up the rack and running wires for power supply. He also worked with Atul to configure and test the ultramotions to figure the power needed for them and the range of motion. He also developed a plan for verifying and testing the rig when it is ready to ensure that it meets all safety standards.
Dustin worked on coordinating with the Jessica Trybus to set up a playtest with kids from the age range of 3-7 along with their parents. He also worked on the script and content and sent out the script to Give kids the world for them to have a look at it and also add their magic to it.