For week 13, we started receiving our parts for the mechanical design. Also we started receiving parts for the electrical panel. Our next step was then to prepare begin the assembly and test the animation on Tom.
Alex started working on assembling Tom ensuring that all parts are accurate and are correctly built especially custom parts. She started with the mouth. By the end of this week, Tom was assembled with the Dynamixels ready for performing 3 functions which are Mouth open and close, head tilt and head turn.
Meanwhile Josh also continued to construct the electrical panel so that by the time Alex has assembled Tom the panel is ready so that we can begin electrical testing for Tom.
Raisa finalized her sceptre design and begin working with the parts that arrived. She also ordered more parts that were needed for the sceptre and worked with Tim to ensure that the design is robust and will perform the desired function without causing any problems.
Dustin recorded the audio with our professional actor Tim Hartman who will be playing the voice for Tom. We recorded all our dialogues for our final script and then began placing the audio in the UI.
Niharika worked on creating the final animations and converting them to CSV files which can be read by the show controller and will allow us to translate them to the mechanical rig being assembled so that we can begin testing the shows and the animations.