The Team

Eugene Chiong


Eugene makes games by the day and plays games at night. As a huge geek for anything science and tech, he loves finding out more about the latest developments in those areas around the world.

Eric VonFischer


Eric is a game designer with a technical background, passionate about game systems and emergent technology. He is excited about the possibilities that AR bring; he sees Agents in AR as an interesting design challenge and topic to explore.

Hui Hsiang Cheng (Flora)


Flora currently the lead artist in project mixAR. She has always been interested in sci-fi literature and AI apocalypse, and is  very excited to be working with Augmented Reality. Her specialty is in 3D modeling and character design. Please check out her portfolio at

Will Hagen


Will is a technical guy who really just likes making cool stuff.  He has a passion for organization, and does his best to make sure everyone has something to do.  He is especially excited for this project, as the idea of an AI Agent interacting with the real world is so novel, and such an interesting challenge.