Week 15: The Final

This week, the project reached the end. We were able to deliver a product. Also, according to the feedback from the clients, faculty, and users, the outcome of the product turns out very good. We were able to meet our client’s needs, fulfill the goal we defined ourselves and most importantly, the majority of the users got engaged.

On Monday, May 8th, we had our final presentation. On Tuesday, May 9th, we attended the showsase of this project in main campus. It was a great oppotunity to demostrate the product to students and professions from main campus. It was also really nice to learn valuable comments and opinions of various guests in the event.

Looking back to the progress, it is amazing to see how the product was developed from the scribles on paper to a real functional experience. Something went really well. We intended to make the experience less explicity in convey educational information. This principle was executed very well and it did engage the users as we expected. The story scripts, the media content, and the features went through houdred of iterations, from the set up and phrasing, to the tiny details in the timing, the position of UI elements and so on. All these efforts have made the final product polished and the experience complete. Meanwhile, there were a lot of struggles. But working as a team, we struggled together and worked things out together. The final product is the combination of the talents and hard working of every member in the team. We would not be able to deliver the product, if any of us had not devoted  themselves in the project.

In addition, we very much appreciate all the facuties, collegues, our clients, members from home team, playtesters who kindly offered their time and efforts which helped us shape and polish the product.

Here we present our final product accessible through the following link. Mind Field, an interactive experience about racism.



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