Based on the feedback we have received from our two instructors Carl and Erin, we made several small changes and spent some time fixing bugs. After we made all of the changes, we playtest demo by ourselves to see if there is any unexpected error or improvements that we can made.
We also spent a lot of time making our final presentation slides and practicing it. For our project, a quite challenging part is we need to talk our story and how we iterate our story in the whole semester which needs a lot of time to cover. In our first rehearsal, we finished whole presentation in 20 minutes and it gave us a lot of pressure about time management of the presentation. After that, we changed the structure of our slides and try to combine the content as much as we can. Eventually, after four or five rehearsals, we are able to finish the presentation materials in 16 minutes. Although it is slightly long than the requirement, we have done much better than before!
On Friday, we do the pre-pre-rehearsal with Carl and Erin to get their professional feedback and rearranged our slides. Right now we are ready for the final presentation!