In week 3, we finalized our website and updated everything on the website to make sure all information is correct.
After several team meetings, we have our final idea!!Yeeees!
Before talking about our idea, I will give a brief description about what we have done in this week. Since quarter walk-around is coming, Tina spent a lot of time on branding stuff. For Boyao and Navyata, they worked together to finally get a clear and brief paragraph. Also Navyata finished her aiming and targeting mechanism in Unity. River has built our second prototype to test if the mechanism in our story works and she has been able to program functions for touch controller.
In next week, we will start developing our story experience in Unity and we hope we can finish a playable experience before our first playtest so that we can receive enough feedback to see if we need to make any changes for our story.
Now it is story time!
Sparkles of the sea
BG: every light the lamp carries to the water, have a light that can bring the ocean alive.
Emotion: Satisfied vs. Sacrifice
Location : Undersea
You dropped under the water see the dimmed lamp away from you.
You’re under the sea, Everything around player is dead. But the lights drop from the lamp can bring parts of the Ocean alive, you see person in front of you is bring the light to the seabed and make parts of the Ocean alive.
Then that person turn around and charge at you, and went in our body, you become the spirit that can bring the lights down from the lamp and give parts of the ocean live and lights.
And you becomes to have semi transparent glowing hands.
Then another light comes and lights up an area just in front of player, you can reach your hand to grab it, when you release the light to the animals and plants, then they will come back to life again.
There’s lots of lights at one point, you bring them all down, and light up the whole once.
In the end there’s no light left to give.
You see something is flicking, when you look down, it’s the light in your heart, will you choose to sacrifice your light and give it to the ocean?