
Neo Security Lab Week 5 blog

Neo Security Lab Week 5 For week5 we iterated our mini-game base on our Quarter Semester feedback and client’s feedback, we also met Dr. Jessica Hammer and collected some useful advice from Dr. Hammer and iterated our product UI from such advice. For our Mini Game, based on the feedback we thought if we do […]

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Neo Security Lab Week 4 blog

For week 4 we had our 1/4 walk around and we collected a lot of useful feedback and information from ETC faculty regarding Design, Art, and Programming perspectives. We also came out with potential solutions to that feedback. Design Feedbacks – What is the point(reward) meaning? The motivation for user playing this game? How we […]

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Neo Security Lab Week 3 blog

For week 3 of our project, we listened to our customers and keep iterated our two ideas we had last week. The challenges we are facing is we want our user entertained by our mini-game, however, we don’t want our users to feel our mini-game unrelated to the questions, we added theme and narrative and […]

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Neo Security Lab Week 2 blog

For our week 2, we did extensive research and brainstorm and We propose the initial design according to the client‘s requirements. For the brainstorm Part, our team participates in the ETC’s brainstorm’s workshop Which helped us listed our inspiration, the experience we want our user to have, and also the needs. After the workshop, we […]

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Neo Security Lab Week 1 blog

For week 1 we form up our team stetted our office, and we had our core hour plan discussed and made with our instructor. we had our initial meeting with our client, which got us a first idea of what we will be working on this semester, in which a data collection project will test […]

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