

We are Team n-e-u-ral-t-o-n-e !




Garrett Kimball  {Producer + }

GarrettKimballI grew up with a father who loved computer games. Well before I ever sat down to a keyboard, I used to watch him, entranced by the magic on the screen. The power that games have to enrapture and manipulate emotions was amazing to me, and I knew from a young age that I wanted to be a part of making that magic someday.

Subsequently, gaming has always been a big part of my life. I started programming with QBasic on my first DOS machine and spent my undergrad years learning C++ and modern software engineering. Here at the ETC I hope to use those skills to create worlds and experiences that evoke strong emotions from users through game- play, look, and sound.

I believe the video game is a medium of art that offers incredible opportunity for creating meaning and personal introspection, and I would like to create art that makes the world a better place.


Lei Feng  {Programmer + }

LeiFengShe’s obsessed with animation and gaming industry. She loves playing games, played a lot of games, known and unknown, ranging from tiny web games to huge MMORPGs like WOW and GuildWar. Throughout Lei’s undergraduate studies, she mastered both programming skills and user interaction design skills through multiple gaming and filming projects. Her professional goal is to work on animation or gaming projects as a technical artist. She’s currently first-year ETC student, and she’s always looking for exciting projects!


Jingyi Feng  {UI Designer + }

JingyiFENGCombining her past design experiences in college with her “spiritual journeys”, Jingyi joined the Entertainment Technology Center, Carnegie Mellon University in the Fall of 2011 seeking novel experience to enrich human’s life. Her interest is exploring the efficient and innovative connection between physical objects and digital information, between human and computer, and between realistic world and virtual world, for learning, play and communication goals. She believes that application of interactive or locative media with new technology, such as game, film, or other mediums, can help bring great fun and some special experience to encourage people to think – love, friendship, familial affection, etc.


Xiuyuan Li (Evan)   {Programmer +}


With his long-held passion for games, partly because his limited access to them in childhood, Evan seized the chance to join the ETC when he graduated from college with a degree in computer science.

Now Evan is a programmer in the immersion semester and he is enjoying the role as well as everyday he spends on doing what he loves.



Erica Hampson  {Sound Designer + Composer}


Erica has been a gamer since the age of 5. Interestingly, it wasn’t the gameplay that initially drew her to the medium, but the music.

As an aspiring sound designer and composer, Erica dreams of creating sonic experiences that bring life to interactive media.




Rodrigo Cano  {Game Designer+Programmer}

RodrigoCanoRod began as a programmer. He used his background in mathematics to better understand programmable shaders. He has since moved on to game design but still loves the intricacy of shader programming.

His switch to game design was due to the emotional impact he believes games can better deliver. A game shouldn’t always start with a mechanic or story but what the team wants to explore or the player to feel.

On his free time he loves playing video games such as Starcraft II or DOTA 2, watching movies, and staying in shape.