Dustin Stephan
Theme Parks. Tacos. Exploration. Bad Puns. Espresso. Free Food. Naps. Sunshine.
The quality of making purposeful choices in one’s thoughts, actions, and interactions.
The quality of reacting with consideration of context (personal, social, cultural, environmental, etc.).
The quality of selfless concern for the well-being of others.
The quality of striving to cognitively and emotionally understand the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another.
The quality of having an appreciative, inclusive, and non-judgmental attitude towards others and self.
One Small Act is a collaboration between the Entertainment Technology Center and the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh to develop an interactive experience to practice kindness.
Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh (CMP) is currently engaged in a museum-wide initiative to support community engagement in kindness as a learning process. As the next step in this initiative, CMP is transforming its existing Attic exhibit into a new 1,200 sq. ft. gallery dedicated to exploring the concept of kindness. Together with the Design Department and the Learning & Research Department, we will develop an experience for this space using the “real stuff” of today’s play. We aim to deliver a high fidelity prototype that translates the concept of kindness into an experience that resonates with children and caregivers of all ages.