On Monday, picoCTF ends successfully as the largest CTF competition ever. More than 1900 teams participated which means around 8000-12000 students from the U.S.
Congratulations to the winners of picoCTF 2013! Each winning team successfully completed every challenge, with time to spare! Pending verification, the winning teams and schools:
1st Place
1064˚ Bread – Dos Pueblos High School; Goleta, CA
2nd Place
Hæresy – Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology; Alexandria, Virginia
3rd Place
Persistent Party Programmers – Thomas Jefferson High School; Jefferson Hills, PA
Team Osiris is working on the certificate, T-shirt and analysing the after survey this week in order to wrap up the competition. We are also working on our final presentation, which will be really interesting and statistic-rich for the whole ETC.
This semester is really challenging but satisfying for all of us, thank you for your support to team Osiris, and please stay tuned for picoCTF 2014 at Fall 2014!