On Monday, the team visited the Hall of Architecture again and met Alyssum Skjeie, the program manager for the Heinz Architectural Center at Carnegie Museum of Art. She gave us a broad overview to the history and stories behind the hall and cast collections, and answered lots of our questions. It is fascinating that each plaster cast is like a huge iceberg, but for now visitors can only see the very surface. We hope the experience we are designing can finally bring the whole art to the visitors.
Quarter walk-around and sit-down
Groups of faculty would visit all the projects in a 15-minute rotation. We did a little presentation on the work we’ve done so far, and have them tried out our UI and content prototypes. We got a few insightful suggestions, as well as really good questions.
Emotion goal
What kind of emotion do we want the guests to have when they use the app? What feelings should they have when they see the content? What will they take home after the experience?
These are the questions asked by faculties during the Quarter walk-around and sit-downs, also the questions we should have asked ourselves sooner.