Team Powerhouse is comprised of three multi-talented individuals- Alex Goldman (far left, art/design/ documentation lead), Kushal Ponnam (middle, technical lead) and Wein Chang (far right, producer). Together, they can accomplish anything.
Wein Chang (producer & dedicated coffee drinker) will be graduating in summer 2013. He loves everything about games, and is a passionate designer and player of all types of games. After completing his MET, he plans to enter the video game industry as a game designer.
Alex Goldman (Design/Art/ Documentation Lead & self-confessed Starcraftaholic) came to the ETC eager to make beautiful things that work and matter. He loves cooperative work, tangible interfaces, and meaningful games, and looks forward to a career in game design upon graduation.
Kushal Ponnam (Technical lead & Sizzling Chicken enthusiast) is a very passionate gamer and game developer. His interests lie in bringing innovative technology and entertainment together and working with teams to make the impossible happen. He can also juggle!