Newsletter 10-11
Week 10 was the week of famous Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, and the team (with an exception for Casey – he had to go to another conference the week after GDC, and therefore stayed in Pittsburgh working on assets) dived right in the middle of these exciting events.
Simultaneously we have launched the page of the project on Steam Greenlight Concepts to promote the project and see the gut reaction of the audience to our idea. And we have been very satisfied by results! By the moment when I am writing these words, we have received many comments that show excitement and general interest to the game. Some people have already expressed an interest in buying it, and 87% of voted Steam users would like this game to be Greenlit. Our next step is to submit the game to the main section of Steam Greenlight with a purpose of getting it to the store, which we are planning to do by Soft Opening in the end of April.
We have made many connections at GDC, and met a lot of people who have inspired us on making our project. We had a chance to discuss our game with the developers of Gone Home and The Novelist, got some feedback from Tale of Tales and had a chat with the creators of The Stanley Parable. We were very happy to get to know them, and now we have these connections to receive more valuable feedback further in the development.
After a week at the conference, which was as fruitful, as it was exhausting, Prisoner’s Cinema team immediately started to prepare for their halves presentation which was on Friday of the week 11 of the project. Most of the week went in preparations and it paid off – the presentation went very well, and we generally received a very good feedback. The biggest question from the faculty was about the gameplay and how exactly is the game played, since it was very hard to convey many details about it in 15 minutes along with the rest of the materials (which we had plenty of), but we hope to solve this problem during Soft Opening where everybody will be able to play the game in our cozy project room.
After all the craziness of past 2 weeks we began to work on our next development sprint. We have started with the scene with an inside nickname “Mid-day Quest”, and there will be more details about that in the next Newsletter, so please stay tuned.