Week 16
Without Further Ado…
We proudly present our final product, the animated short Sirena!
The Last Week
So, how did we get here? Well, our final push was pretty intense. The final shot, where Sirena is a full mermaid, took a bunch of iterations to get out the door. At a certain point, though, we just had to learn to let go even when we still saw room for improvement. While the final cut was ready by Monday, we still had to press on to get our project to completion.
Likewise, our final presentation was well-received. We used it as an opportunity to discuss our core deliverables, our challenges in the animation process, and our overall learnings this semester.
A big part of the aforementioned deliverables was full documentation of how we pulled everything off. So, we had to take all the files we created and consolidate them into a folder for posterity. We also wrote up a detailed Postmortem expanding upon the lessons we shared at Finals.
Moving forward, we will be submitting our final short to technical-focused festivals. Thank you for following us on this journey! It’s been highly educational and we all got a lot out of it. We are excited to pursue animation in the future.