Post Mortems
These documents serve as the results and conclusions for every one of our Tests, Prototypes.
Additionally we’ve included short descriptions of the different tests and the questionnaire sheets that we utilized to gather our data.
Final Post Mortem:
Contains all of our smaller post mortems along with the data and forms that were used to collect the test data.
Test Post Mortems:
Essays focusing on the testing we did early in our project to learn more about the Oculus.
Prototype Post Mortems:
Essays focusing on our conclusions regarding the six prototypes we created.
We encourage anyone who is so inclined to continue our research or refine our methods.
Test Synopsis / Posters
This section contains a rough synopsis of all our test data.
- Gesture: Fatigue
- Gesture: Speed
- Gesture: Transitions
- Gesture: Resolution
- Motion: Chaotic
- Motion: Forward
- Motion: Walking
- Art: Color Test
- Art: Font Placement
- Art: Font Sizing
- Art: Texture Perception
- Control: 180 Degree
- Control: Orientation
- Control: Y-Axis Invv.
Feel free to reach us through our email (Project Spearhead) if you have any questions.