Newsletter 3 – CMU Playtest
Week 3 (Sept. 8th ~ 12th )
This week, we took the data we collected from CMU main campus and through online surveys to narrow down on our character design.
Character Visualization 2nd Pass:
We realized that many people favored the first and the fourth one but the third one seemed to be the most stable always ranking first or second in all of the surveys. In the end we decided to go with the third option but add the elements that people liked from the first and fourth.
For this week we set our sprint goal to conduct another playtest but with a different crowd. In order to immerse ourselves in the culture or Role-Playing, we looked at the Pittsburgh Renaissance Fair being held during the weekends.
Unfortunately, on Thursday and Friday 2 of the team members attended the adventure module in with the 1st year students so we had some interruptions.
Next week:
We will analyze the data from Renaissance Fair and see if we can make a final decision on the character design. We will also receive feedback on our poster, half sheet and logo.
We also need to come with a stronger understanding of the following.
1. Our demographic – Who are they? How can we reach out to them?
2. A specific project goal – What are we trying to achieve this semester?