Opened on April 27, 2019, the MuseumLab is an extension of the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh in the newly renovated historic Carnegie Free Library of Allegheny building.
MuseumLab is a place where kids 10+ can work with makers to create everything from furniture to apps, experiment with cutting edge technology in the creation of art, climb three stories on a unique sculpture, collaborate on one-of-a-kind art installations, and more!

TechLab is a space within the MuseumLab for experiencing the cutting edge of digital environments and applications in new and exciting ways. It is a collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center.
TechLab offers activities that combine art and technology to explore storytelling, innovation, entertainment and learning. You can see live demos of completed ETC student projects and be both test audience and collaborators on new projects with technologies such as Google’s TiltBrush and Blocks VR programs, or ETC’s SuperHyperCube. What’s normally invisible – from how a computer tracks a human face or gesture, to how sound is visualized – will be visible. And the messy creative process, failures and all, is part of the experience.