We’re many things over at team TheatAR, but probably least among them are furniture builders. Despite all of us having assembled IKEA furniture in our pasts, none of us were quite ready for the hell that was assembling the dresser we ordered off Amazon. We grabbed our tiny little Allen wrenches and got to work, however, and many hours later, we totally built the dresser for the Darling family nursery! In retrospect, we’re not sure why we didn’t take a photo of the completed thing; that would have been pretty cool to show right about now.
Some updates for the week:
Set design: We’ve acquired DMX lights to use for the practical effects where Tinker Bell lands on various objects around the nursery. We’re in the process of programming them now and should have one to show off next week as part of our halves presentation. We built the aforementioned dresser. We determined what materials we’ll need to construct the set after halves and have a full design ready to go.
We’ve made some massive strides towards successfully networking the HoloLenses together. We’ve verified we can see the same character art in the same location in at least two devices. Now we have to make sure they can handle the large amounts of animation data we’ll be throwing at them.
Digital Art/Animation:
The rigging of our Tink model is nearly complete. Next week, we’ll be highlighting the process that went into creating this rig and featuring our guest artist, Sahar Kausar, who is handling the rigging process for us. In the meantime, we’ve done some work on establishing Tink’s flight path and tweaking her model textures.
Rehearsals with our actors begin in just a few short weeks. Will we be ready for them? Stay tuned to find out!