Mingzhi Cai (Designer, Artist), from a design background, is currently pursuing the MET Entertainment Technology degree at Carnegie Mellon University. She is a quick learner and self-motivator. With a wide range of interests, she works on different projects including products, user experience, XR, game, graphic and service design. As a designer (also thinker and problem solver), she is curious about gamification and the way it improves the experience and shapes users’ behavior.
Personal Website: https://www.minztsai.com/

William Jin (Producer, Programmer) is a thinker, and an product innovator. He’s always interested to learn new things to achieve his ultimate goal – to create a product that benifits people around the world.
Personal Website: https://williamj-in.github.io/

Kuan Chen (Programmer), a programmer who majored in optical engineering in college. Now he is studying in Entertainment Technology Center at Carnegie Mellon University to discover something more interesting. He is full of enthusiasm to explore the uncharted tech territory for him.
Personal Website: https://kuanc2.wixsite.com/website

Hi there. My name is Zhisheng Xu (Programmer, Game Designer). Preferably Max. I am from Shanghai, China. A passionate gamer and game developer. My current focus is on gameplay programming and character animation with Maya. Despite the fact that I am a veteran in Unity and Unreal Engine, I do not possess much experience in web development and its framework. Therefore, this project will be a challenge to me and I like the feeling of broaden my skill range in programming. Creating interactive webpages with React is fun!
Personal Website: https://zhishengxumax.com/

Faculty Advisors:
Mike Christel is interested in the development and evaluation of transformational games, especially in the areas of education and health care. Mike joined the ETC Faculty in 2008, moving from Carnegie Mellon’s Computer Science Department where he was working at the intersection of speech recognition, image processing, and multimedia interface development and evaluation. As a member of the Infomedia Digital Video Library research team, he received the Allen Newell Award for Research Excellence. Before that, from 1987 to 1997 he worked at the Software Engineering Institute at CMU. Mike received his Ph.D. from Georgia Tech in 1991 with a thesis examining dynamically generated digital video interfaces. Entertainment builds from experiences, and Mike loves to travel with his family, having enjoyed each of the 50 states in the U.S. on various journeys.

Ricardo Washington serves as an adjunct faculty member at the Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center. He specializes in giving the students instruction and guidance in art related areas of their program.
Ricardo was a faculty member at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh in the Game Art and Design department. He taught classes in 3D art, specializing in modeling and texture creation. He also taught game design, animation, and production classes. Ricardo helped to improve the academic culture with consistent and robust service on various committees and boards, organizing multiple events, updating classes and curricula, and connecting with the community in Pittsburgh. Before AIP he worked for small game company with a great team. He also did freelance game art, focusing on creating content for games for training. He worked with Simcoach games during this time to create content for interactive game based safety training material.