Day 5:00 PM

  • Week 5 – 10/02/2015

    This week, we have been refining our concept and preparing for Quarters Walkarounds.
    Our Quarters presentation was today.

    We received a lot of useful feedback and suggestions from our faculty.
    Several people pointed out that we need to put a lot of thought into the content. The example content we show and the experience of the guests will be a big part of supporting why this installation should exist. We also need to think a lot more about what our target audience actually wants and needs to keep the content relevant.
    Others questioned where all of the equipment and servers for running these installations is going to be. We will need to look into what plans exist for a tech closet.
    They also gave recommendations of existing projects to look at and people to get in touch with.

    Some of the most encouraging feedback were reactions to our idea of a virtual reality demo and our day-to-night transformation. VR is on the rise and will likely become a big player in architectural firms and other such groups who need to present material like ours; this is a great opportunity to push that. The day/night transformation also tells a powerful story. The experience can be very guest oriented and informative during the day, while turning into a playful student oriented experience after dark.

    We’ve made arrangements with Lisa to gain access to prospective students and possibly a booth at the upcoming Homecoming event so that we can further our user research. Survey questions are in the works.
    We also received a CAD model of the Welcome Center space. It will take some time to organize the components and convert it into something more usable, but it will mean a lot less guesswork than modeling the entire space from scratch.

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