Day 5:00 PM
Week 9 – 10/30/2015
Halves presentations are done. We presented our own work and watched our peers present theirs.
We have received a lot of feedback from our client, the larger Tepper Quad Media Walls Committee, and the ETC faculty. We’ve been looking it over, deciding which feedback is relevant or not and why, figuring out where we need to change course moving forward, and what we need to present better in the future.
Arim and Vivienne attended today’s ground breaking for the new Tepper Quad. Afterwards, they joined some prospective students for an info session and campus tour. This was a recommendation we received from Don Carter of the Media Walls Committee. We gained a lot of insight into the existing welcome experience, the kiosks and informational flyers they have, the questions the parents and students ask, and how guests react to the experience as a whole. This will greatly inform our refinement and creation of additional guest “personas” for our documentation and design decisions.
We’ve also been assembling some models to populate our welcome center. After today’s events, we should be able to create more that are similar to prospective students.
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