Day 6:00 PM
Week 14 – 12/04/2015
This week marked the Soft Opening for our project.
We displayed all the work we could from the semester: brainstorming notes, user research, personas and scenarios, technical and design documentation, visual samples, and of course our VR demo.
From the feedback we received, it was clear that the VR demo is falling short; it isn’t showcasing all of the work we’ve done, and the experience doesn’t come across clearly. Some people felt it was hurting more than helping, and suggested scrapping the demo altogether. VR can be useful to show scale, but we need to find the best way to convey our ideas. Multiple people recommended a video walkthrough that could show the installation and some of the interaction with additional labels and descriptions to accompany it.
As we approach Festival and Finals, we will be polishing everything we have and fleshing out further documentation such as alternative content recommendations for our client. We will also be creating the demo video as suggested.
As for the VR demo, we will be fixing resolution and viewpoint issues. We will likely remove the nighttime display from this demo unless we can create something that really demonstrates the concept well. Instead, we will be adding our concept art visuals to the video demo and documentation.
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