Model Import
Lumberyard upgraded from CryEngine’s system of .cgf files to accepting FBX models similar to Unity. However Lumberyard is not as forgiving as Unity is with regards to models and will often fail to accept a model because of repeated face/vertex. Unity also accepts other types of model files, but Lumberyard is more restrictive.
Once a model is imported correctly into Lumberyard, the model has properties which can be edited similar to Unity. Within the settings, Lumberyard allows for a Mesh pivot to be changed, however a mesh is differentiated from an actor (which is a skinned mesh).
Material Editor
Unlike Unity where material options and preferences are directly edited under the inspector, Lumberyard has the Material Editor window to edit all materials. The Material Editor and materials in the inspector share similar functionality, namely being able to change the shader, apply normal/height/emission maps, opacity, etc. Materials in both engines are saved as separate files, however modifications in the Material Editor need to be explicitly saved, whereas Unity’s materials are automatically saved.