Navigation window
In Unity, the navigation window includes different tools to help navigate. Including:
Help us to modify details of the agent which can navigate on the mesh.
In Lumberyard, agents’ properties can be edited in xml files.
Help us to define different layers for the agent to navigate.
In Lumberyard, nav layers are defined by agent types.
Help us to bake the navigation mesh in the scene. In Uniy, we have to bake the navmash every time after we change something in environment.
Lumberyard can auto-bake itself, which means the navmesh would generate itself everytime after we change the environment.
Help us to select a meshrenderer or a terrain from the scene
AI needs a Nav Mesh Agent component to navigate on the baked mesh.

Lumberyard has the most basic settings of the agent in Navigation component, there are also ways to define the properties of different agent types by adding and changing values in related xml files.
In Unity script.
can be used to navigate.
In Lumberyard:
NavigationComponentRequestBus.Event.FindPathToEntity(self.entityId, targetEntity)
does the same things as SetDestination.