

The camera system in Lumberyard has 2 main components, the camera component which is the view of the game and the camera rig component which helps the camera track/look-at behavior. When a camera component isn’t present in the level, the game will default to using the editor’s camera at its last transform. Once a camera is added into the level, when the game is played Lumberyard will default to the first camera added. To set priority of cameras or change which camera is being used is done through code.

Lumberyard Camera Components.

To change a view of a camera, it can be moved like any other object but it can also be moved as if it was the editor camera. By selecting “Be this camera” the camera being moved in the perspective viewport is the camera entity. This allows for developers to precisely place the camera in a location and know the exact view without running the game. When “Be this camera” is selected, the Viewport Camera Selector menu also pops-up, typically on the left panel, which is how to switch back to the editor camera. With more than one camera in the scene, the menu also allows for quickly selecting another camera as well as finding unexpected cameras that weren’t suppose to be present.

Viewport Camera Selector