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THIS WEEK (2/18/13 – 2/24/13)
After careful consideration and planning, we have written a final draft of our script for the project. It seamlessly meshes the worlds of filmmaking and interactive entertainment to present the facts about economic inequality in America without being both heavy-handed or overly favoring one side of the political spectrum over the other. With this script in its completed form, we are now able to make a more concrete schedule instead of relying on a high-level overview of the project.
Task List
As result of completing our script, we have been able to itemize all of the essential materials we need to get and the steps we need to take to make our project come to fruition. We know what data we need to make the infographics, how many infographics are going to be placed in the story, what props and locations we will use, and how much time will be necessary for all of this to happen. We even have made a filming schedule so that we have something demonstrable for halves.
Presentation to Client
We also made a presentation to our client on main campus about the progress we have been making, and they seemed to be genuinely excited by what we have accopmlished. We have captured their attention and provided them with enough details about the project that they are more than willing to assist us with anything we may need. One of the students even offered to take photos and videos of Wall St and other areas of New York, as he will be in the city during Spring Break. This could prove to be crucial in our build of the experience.
NEXT WEEK (2/25/13 – 3/1/13)
We will begin filming the “Occupy Contact” scene on Wednesday night, and we will also have a finalized intro video by Friday for our daily scrum meeting. We also plan on havng some of
the philosophy students down in our office to talk about what they would to see be placed in the experience.